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Are you interested in being apart of one of our shows? Then you are in the  right spot, here you can find the application to whichever segment you are interested in. To apply for a position, just hover over the section with your mouse and you will see an APPLY button. Click that and you will be transferred to the current form for that position, fill it out and we will see you soon!

We look forward to meeting you! One of our staff memebers will review all submissions and will be in touch soon! 

**Please keep in mind for all Models, Only apply online if you are an out of state model for the current production. If you reside in a state where there is a in-person castinng call, you must attend the in-person casting to be considered.

** For all performance inquiries, please only apply online if no in-person is held. When submitting for Music artist please make sure you are sending in the music you will be performing if selected. For dancers, please submit a snippet of you dancing with a short explaintion on what you plan to perform for the show if routine is not already put together. 

Adult Model

Adult Model

Adult Model Registration**

Are you a model interested in participating in one of our shows as a model?

Click the link to complete the application and we will be in touch soon! 

TE NYFW 48.jpg

Child Model

Child Model Registration**

Are you a parent who is  interested in your child participating in one of our shows as a model?

Click the link to complete the application and we will be in touch soon! 

Designer & Model


Fashion Designer Registration

Are you a Designer nterested in participating in one of our shows?

Click the link to complete the application and we will be in touch soon! 

Photographer | Videographer


Press/Media Registration

Press | Media | Buyers | Agents | Influencers | Scouts | Producers | Videographers

Click the link to complete the application and we will be in touch soon! 

Makeup Artist

Make-Up Artist

MUA Registration

Are you a Make-Up Artist or Beauty School interested in participating in one of our shows?

Click the link to complete the application and we will be in touch soon! 

Hair Stylist

Hair Stylist

Hairstylist Registration

Are you a Hairstylist or Hair School interested in participating in one of our shows?

Click the link to complete the application and we will be in touch soon! 

Rapper Performing


Performer Registration**

Are you an Artist, Dancer, or Talent Act & interested in performing in one of our shows?

Click the link to complete the application and we will be in touch soon! 



Intern/Volunteer Registration

Are you interested in interning, volutneering or joining our team as a staff in one of our shows?

Click the link to complete the application and we will be in touch soon! 

Sponsorship | Partnership


Sponorahip Packages

Are you a Sponor interested in Sponoring one of our shows? Click the link to find out more about our packages & complete an application we will be in touch soon! 

Vendor Table

Vendor Tables

Vendor Registration

Are you a Vendor interested in Vending at one of our shows? Click the link to find out more about our packages & complete an application we will be in touch soon! 

Model | V.I.P Bags

Model|V.I.P Bags

V.I.P | Model Bag Registration

Would you like to advertise your business by featuring your product smaple &/or business cards in our Model Bags &/or V.I.P Bag one of      our shows? Click the link to complete an                  application we will be in touch soon! 

© 2021 Powered by: Team Experience

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